Irakierna är positiva till framtiden

Lite siffror vi aldrig lär få se i svensk media.

Majority of Iraqis Endorse Election and Show Optimism

Overall, 64% of Iraqis say that Iraq is heading in the right direction, while just 36% say it is heading in the wrong direction. This represents a sharp upward movement from when the International Republican Institute asked this question in November 2005 and just 49% said that Iraq was headed in the right direction and 36% said the wrong direction. The only other time that IRI has found such a high number expressing such optimism was in April 2005—also just after an election—when 67% said the country was headed in the right direction and 20% the wrong direction.


Iraqis overall have a positive view of the toppling of Saddam Hussein. Asked, “Thinking about any hardships you might have suffered since the US-Britain invasion, do you personally think that ousting Saddam Hussein was worth it or not?” 77% say it was worth it, while 22% say it was not.

Siffrorna visar också tydligt att det är Sunni-muslimerna som saknar Saddam-tiden mest samt vilket stort gap det är mellan Sunni och övriga Irak.

Det är bara att hoppas att optimismen håller i sig och världen slipper mer våld. Processen skulle givetvis ha snabbats upp om länder som Frankrike, Sverige m.fl. hjälpte till.

Mer om Irak hos R.J. Rummel.

Det händer saker i Afghanistan också.






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