Vad händer med nationalstaten i den accelererande globala ekonomin? Ett svar kan vara att den blir mindre.
Why Small has Become Beautiful
[…] small countries can now gain the advantages of large markets through trading with other nations. So it is no surprise that international trade generally constitutes a larger fraction of the GDP of small nations than of large ones. For example, exports in 2004 relative to GDP are about 10 per cent for the United States compared to 37 per cent for Iceland. Most poor nations that experienced rapid economic growth during the past four decades also were extensively involved in international trade. This is true not only of the Asian tigers- South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong- but also of Chile and Mauritius.
Som jag skrev i inlägget om nationalstaten kan det vara staden, det lokala klustret, som övertar nationalstatens roll i den globala ekonomi. Det är exempelvis anmärkningsvärt att av de exempel som radas upp i texten ovan är såväl Singapore och Hong-Kong som Mauritius små ö-nationer eller städer.

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