I Sverige är bloggen i det närmaste dödförklarad av en journalistkår som ännu inte riktigt greppat tanken att vem som helst faktiskt skriver vad som helst. Det politiska avtrycket anses bli smått. I USA ser det något annorlunda ut, vilket denna nyhet visar.
A Well-Known Political Blogger Is Hired by the Clinton Campaign
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign has hired Peter Daou, one of the most prominent political bloggers in the nation, to help disseminate her message in a forum that has not always been that hospitable to her.
The move underscores the degree to which bloggers — the authors of Web logs, or blogs — have begun to transform American politics. In many cases, candidates have even set up their own blogs, with staffers answering questions, presenting policy proposals and posting campaign literature and videos.

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