Fler nyheter från Finland. Istället för open sourcad biofilm handlar det om trådlösa biosensorer som inifrån kroppen kan sända ut information om patientens hälsotillstånd.
Advances in wireless biosensor technology
Led by Professor Jukka Lekkala, the Wireless research project is developing miniscule subcutaneous sensors, which can be used to monitor, for example, the function of the heart or prosthetic joints even over long periods of time. The Academy of Finland is funding the project, whose goal is to provide the more accurate prediction of changes in patient condition and, in turn, even save lives. ”For example, a subcutaneous EKG monitor will be able to detect cardiac arrhythmia, and the data for this can then be transmitted wirelessly to the physician’s mobile phone or PC,” explains Lekkala.
På tal ny teknik som möjliggör sätt att mäta människors hälsa så rekommenderar jag en läsning av Eudoxas rapport om framtidens sjukvård. De skriver:
As medicine and the concept of health become more individualized, both due to patient demands, the individualization of diagnosis and treatment thanks to pharmacogenomics, sensors and imaging, the old centralized “one-size-fits-all” health care is being challenged.
De finska biosensorerna är del av detta.
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