Via Daniel Pink kan man läsa följande:
Women Outpace Men In Number of New Jobs
Women took on slightly more than half of U.S. jobs created in the first part of the decade and made gains in securing the most lucrative openings.
Women posted a net increase of 1.7 million jobs paying above the median salary, while men gained a net increase of just over 220,000 of such positions, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report for the years 2000-2005.
Det är tjänsteindustrin som står för merparten av jobben:
The BLS report by economist Randy Ilg found that from 2000 through 2005, service jobs accounted for the largest portion of the net 3.8 million increase in wage and salary positions. Most of the 2.3 million service positions were in food preparation and service, health-care support, and personal care and service, with four of five of those jobs paying below the 2005 overall median of $577 a week.
Hälsovård och personliga tjänster står alltså bakom många av de nya jobben i USA och även kvinnornas framsteg på arbetsmarknaden. En avreglerad sjukvårdsmarknad och lägre skatt på köp av tjänster skulle kunna göra samma sak i Sverige. Vad väntar egentligen den borgerliga regeringen på?
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